Varicose Veins –An Ayurvedic Perspective

Varicose Veins –An Ayurvedic Perspective

Finding the root cause of the issue is very important for an effective treatment plan. 

Let’s understand what Varicose Veins are—

 Varicose Veins –An Ayurvedic Perspective- It is a medical condition wherein the veins (mostly in the legs) become swollen, twisted and dilated [ the veins become varicosed]. Normally Venous blood flows in an upward direction from the feet to the heart and the valves present in the veins, assist the upward flow of the blood. Fatigue, long hours of standing, menopause and several other factors can weaken these valves. This disturbs the movement of the blood flow and leaks some of it flowing back down. The affected veins turn bluish-brown or blue. There is dryness, leading to unbearable itching. 


The ayurvedic approach, with its effectiveness and negligible or zero side effects, is the perfect treatment option. 


Treating Varicose Veins with the help of Ancient Ayurvedic Methodology–

According to Ayurvedic principles, an imbalance of the Vata [wind and space] along with Rakta (blood) and Pitta [heat]in the body, plays a vital role in Varicose Vein discomfort. So, restoring the Vata balance becomes an essential part of the treatment. The Vata balance can be easily corrected by following a healthy lifestyle and having an equally healthy and nutritious diet.


 Ayurveda Suggests the following—


  • Eat fresh fruits, whole grains (oats, millets, to name a few) and proteins (milk, eggs, fish and chicken) regularly.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid red meat and spicy foods. 
  • Garlic, onion and ginger are very beneficial so consume them regularly
  • Citrus fruits like Amla work miraculously to revitalise the tired Varicose vein.
  • Do not indulge in vigorous exercise or walking. Don’t soak your feet in cold water after a workout, since it can prove to be detrimental to the Veins.
  • Do not compromise on your sleep. A rejuvenated body and a rested mind only can help in the healing process. 


Beneficial Ayurvedic Medications—


*Ayurvedic herbs for treating Varicose Veins

–Kaishora Guggulu: Is a natural blood cleanser. It’s the right choice for treating Varicose Veins. 

–Sarivadyasava:  This herb is useful in detoxifying the blood, naturally.

 –Chirabilvadi kashaya: It is beneficial in case of hemorrhoids. 

–Sahacharadi: It is an amazing herbal oil that provides great relief. Tender application of Sahacharadi over the varicose veins can work wonders. 

–Herbs like Ashwagandha, Shatavari and Brahmi restores the Vata balance. 

Ayurveda vouches for ‘Brahmi’ as the drug of choice for the treatment of’ Varicose Veins’.


Ayurveda’s definition of health is not the absence of disease; instead, it is the means to achieve a physical, mental and spiritual state of well-being.

With all this said about ‘Treating Varicose Veins’ it becomes essential to do it correctly, or else it does not provide the benefits. The Madras Institute of Ayurveda, Chennai, has facilities for consultation for different ailments and regular check-ups. It also provides an in-patient department with clear, well-furnished Panchakarma theatres and much more. Successful treatment programs for an entire range of diseases are rendered here. The centre is one of its kind. So, feel free to log onto for any questions.

Treating Migraine

Treating Migraine with the help of Ancient Ayurveda

A migraine headache is characterised as one of the most common primary disorder, where a person experiences a throbbing sensation in the head on the unilateral sideIt is a complex Neurological Disorder. Getting rid of it permanently can be difficult with conventional medicines. Traditional therapies for Migraine are often associated with side effects, due to which patients are hesitant to take these medications and prefer complementary and alternative medicines like Ayurveda.

 Triggers of Migraine-

There is no specific cause and cure for Migraine.  Migraine pain can be triggered due to psychological stress, sleep deprivation, lack of physical exercise, fasting, and change in weather conditions. The frequency of migraine headaches vary between individuals, and the symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and visual disturbances. Weak digestion increases Ama in the body and prevents proper blood flow in the body and to the brain. 

 “World Health Organization has grades migraine as 6th among disability causing diseases”.

Ayurvedic Approach

Ayurveda and Yoga therapy are two ancient forms of medicine whose integration offers a comprehensive approach.

 Migraine treatment in Ayurveda is known as Ardhavabhedaka–The treatment involves removal of Kapha Dosha, which in turn helps to prevent the Pitta disorders. This is achieved through the administration of samshodhana (Panchakarma-Bio-purificatory techniques, kaya virechana (therapeutic purgation), Pathya ahara (wholesome regulated diet) and Vihara (healthy regulated lifestyle). All of this help to maintain a balance between all doshas.


Migraine Treatment in Ayurveda

 ‘Nasya karma” is indicated to uproot the deep-seated diseases of the head. 

Nasal Drops are known to be successful and are capable of breaking the Samprapti (Pathogenesis) of a Migraine. The drugs used are indicated for Urdhvajatrugata Vikara in classics. Amalaki due to its Sheetal [Cool] Potency lowers the aggravated Pitta. Yastimadhu removes excessive Kapha. Sunthi pacifies Vata and Kapha. Aritha is Urdhva shodhana in classics and can clear the blocked channels (Strotoshodhana). Management of Urdhvajatrugata Rogas (Diseases of the supraclavicular region), has a special place in Ayurveda. 


Managing Migraine

Ayurveda can bring a balance in life and treat the root cause of Migraine. Let’s see how-

*Proper Food Habits— Depending on the dosha (s) involved in the headache and the patient’s constitution, the patient must eat a diet that pacifies the aggravated dosha. Also, minimise or avoid Migraine triggering foods

* Following a Healthy lifestyle—Maintain a regular sleep pattern, reduce stress, exercise regularly, maintain proper eating habits and avoid migraine triggers, to reduce the frequency of migraine headaches.


Yoga can help in preventing migraine headaches. It can also help with tension in the muscles of the neck, back, and head, which can contribute to problems. Yoga helps relax the muscles and the mind.

* Massage Therapy

Massage and stretching exercises can also help minimise the severity and frequency of migraine headaches. 

*Meditation—Reciting mantras and practising meditation can calm your mind and reduce stress. 

* Herbal oils—A mixture of essential oils can help to ease headaches. Peppermint oils and balm can help in Migraine.

* Aromatherapy—Essential oils can enter the body through the skin, nasal passages, bronchioles, lungs and gastrointestinal tract.

* Pranayama —Different breathing exercises have different effects on the body, mind and spirit. Breathing practices purify the Nadis. If the headache is due to Vata, one can benefit from alternate nostril breathing (Anuloma Viloma). If the trouble is due to Pitta, doing lunar and shitali pranayama can help. If Kapha dosha is the problem, then kapalabhati pranayama can be beneficial.

* Nose drops (Nasya)— About five drops of Brahmi ghee in each nostril can alleviate the pain of migraine headache. 


Nasya in Migraine:

“Nasya treatment in Ayurveda” refers to the installation of Herbal oils or juice through the nasal route. It works well in disorders of the ear, nose, head, and throat. Nasya is one among the Panchakarma therapy in Ayurveda.

Handling migraine pain can never be manageable. Home remedies for Migraine can help you cure naturally without visiting a doctor or a pharmacy.

 It is said that the administration of ginger tea can help reduce or stop uneasiness of Migraine pain and relieve the symptoms. Other remedies may include applying a hot or cold pack to ease the pressure on the scalp.



Temporary suppressing migraine pain with conventional medicines provides only short-term relief, and the pain can recur anytime. 

Ayurveda understands the root cause of the problem and provides a treatment that can heal you from inside. Ayurveda restores the Ojas, by removing harmful toxins from the body and strengthens the nerves through proper blood circulation. 

Many of these integrative therapies are useful but should be administered with the advice of the expert or Ayurveda Physician. So, let’s connect with “The Madras Institute of Ayurveda”, Chennai. This Institute offers Authentic Ayurvedic treatment from common to rare conditions. Log on to to learn more.

Back Pain Issues

Back Pain Issues—Relieved with the Help of Ayurveda

Backpain, could either be of the joints or the muscles. It is a prevalent problem, that majority of people suffer from. This pain is seen in people who sit down regularly for more than 6-7 hours at a stretch [E.G. using computers]. Doctors have found that chronic pain is nowadays known more among the younger generation than in the older generation.  

Ayurveda is a class of medical treatments that has the answer for many diseases. It has some very effective treatment mechanisms. Let’s have a look at the ayurvedic treatment for back pain relief.

                                            Ayurvedic Acupuncture-

 Ayurvedic Acupuncture has recently obtained the attention of professional nurse and doctors and is a very ancient therapy. The pressure points of the human body are known as Marma Areas-in Ayurveda.  Ayurvedic Acupuncture is the application of touch therapy and Acupuncture to treat the joint pain without having any side effects. Therefore, it is wise to try Ayurvedic Acupuncture which has no harmful effects.


                                           Self Body Massage-Abhyanga

 Ayurvedic massage is called Snehana. Abhyanga, [self-massage] is a potent healing tool. Begin by applying warm, organic sesame oil to the entire body. Use Mahanarayana Oil on any painful or inflamed areas. This oil is made from a blend of sesame oil and a variety of herbs and is highly effective in soothing sore muscles.

After applying Mahanarayana oil, let it soak for at least a half an hour and then take a hot bath or shower. If you take a bath, add 1/3 cup of ginger powder and 1/3 cup of baking soda into the bathing water to further relax and detoxify your muscles.

If you cannot do Self Abhyanga, then visit the Ayurveda clinics where these massages are provided. If you discontinue the treatment process, you will not get the intended relief from pain. Follow the instructions correctly, so you don’t revisit the clinic, complaining about the back problems.


                              Modify your Diet and Lifestyle to Strengthen your Digestion

When you’re experiencing any health issues, ask yourself– how is my digestion? Gas and bloating can apply pressure to the spine, which in turn can cause backache. To enable your metabolism to strengthen and heal, drink ginger tea or a tea made with equal parts of cumin, coriander seeds and fennel seeds. Eat warm, lightly spiced, cooked foods. Avoid gassy foods like most beans and stop raw and cold food and drinks.       




 One needs to perform some mild asanas[exercise] to keep joints flexible. Your Vaid [Doctor] will recommend some functional knee exercises and asanas to fight back pain. Try following them, as per the frequency prescribed. Do the asanas in the morning and the evening. Keep in mind to do the asanas correctly. If you do it wrong, the muscles and ligaments can get hurt, and you will not gain the benefits of Ayurveda. 


                                                       Ayurveda medications- 

Natural herbs and spices, namely, turmeric, garlic, ashwagandha, fenugreek, ginger, and eucalyptus, are very helpful in pain management. The advice of a Professional Ayurveda Vaid, regarding the medicine type and the dosage needs to be followed with utmost care. 



There are many Ayurvedic herbal treatments which are useful for relieving back pain. It is good to seek the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner who can check the issues with your Doshas and recommend specific products with dosages. An Ayurvedic Vaid, can teach you to help improve your digestion, make you practice stress-reducing techniques and offer many therapies like abhyanga that can soothe back pain. Continue the asanas and follow a balanced diet. 

If you want a healthy and active life, even in your old age, then it is advisable to check out the ayurvedic treatment for chronic back pain. Taking Ayurvedic medicine under the instructions of an Experienced Ayurvedic Professional is advisable.


Always contact a reputed Ayurveda clinic or an ayurvedic Vaid, to know the right treatment and medicine for your problems. ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ Chennai is one such ayurvedic hospital where treatment for all ailments is available. Visit us online at to learn more about any queries you may have.  


Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis [Amavata]

“Rheumatoid Arthritis” is a chronic- disabling and progressive autoimmune disease that causes inflammation (swelling). There is severe pain in the joints, the tissue around the joints, joint deformities. Rheumatoid Arthritis has is called Amavata in Ayurveda, in which Vata and Ama afflict pain in the lining of the joints, which causes Shula (pain) & Shotha (swelling).


Treating Amavata –The Ayurvedic Way—

The treatment for ‘Amavata’ includes Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) Chikitsa. Depending on the stages (acute/chronic) and the Doshas involved, many measures are advised. They are Langhana (a method of depletion of body tissues), Deepana (increase digestive fire), and Pachana (digestion of food) for accumulated Ama [ undigested material]. Snehapana (oleation), Swedana (therapy that uses herbal steam), Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema therapy) for use in the elimination of Doshas from the body.

The medicines used in the management of Amavata should be Katu (pungent) Tikta (bitter) Rasa (taste); Ushna (hot in potency), Laghu (easily digestible) and Tikshna (property of penetrating through tissues).


*To-Do Ahara: [FOOD]


The critical ‘Pathya Ahara’ (strict diet) to be followed, includes-

Cereals: Dhanya –Purana/Shasti Shali (rice), and Yava (Barley).

Pulses: Chanaka (Bengalgram), Kalaya (Pisumsativum), Kulattha (horse gram), Kodrava.

Shaka (vegetables): Shigru (drumstick), Ardraka (ginger), Rasona (garlic), Karavellaka (bitter guard), Patola (pointed guard), Vastuka (ridged guard), Mulaka (radish)

Liquids: Boiled water, Panchakola Siddha Jala [herbal water]

Cow products: Takra (buttermilk).


 Not to Do—Apathya / Contraindicated foods


Food – Guru Ahara (heavy to digest), Dadhi (curd), fish, raw sugar, Masha (black gram), Kalushita Jala (contaminated water).


Vihara: Specific Pattern

 Divaswapna (Day sleeping), Ratri Jagarana (night awakening), Ajirnashana (eating without the feel of appetite), overeating, Vishamashana (eating at odd timings), physical exertion just after eating, exposure to cold, sedentary lifestyle etc. must be avoided.


Abhyanga–External oil application using

Visha Garbha Taila 

Pancha Guna Taila

Kottamchukadi Taila

Brihat Saindhavadi Taila

Karpooradi Taila, can be beneficial in arthritic pain.


Meet our Ayurvedic Vaidya at ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ Chennai [MIA], to learn more about how these treatments can be beneficial. This centre of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai follows age-old traditional regimen with modern techniques, ranging from Panchakarma treatment to Rejuvenation therapy. It includes facilities for a whole range of quality treatments with the highest standards and finest traditions dating back to Vedic times. So, come to MIA, Chennai and get a full range of treatment options or log on to for queries.

Healthy Living in Ayurveda

Concept of Healthy Living in Ayurveda

Ayurveda, “the awareness of life,” is a System of health that originated during the Vedic culture of India almost five thousand years ago. We see a growing interest in Ayurveda in the Western world that speaks of how much the principles of this type of healing can improve lives in many ways. Ayurveda helps find the balance between the body, mind, and spirit as all three of these are connected. Ayurveda teaches us to achieve optimal health by adopting healthy practices to prevent illness and achieve an optimal sense of well-being.


Maintain body balance- Maintaining a balance of the body and mind is the natural way of life.  With the help of this ancient ayurvedic wisdom, we can make choices in our diet and lifestyle that will lead to health and longevity. According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, each of us has a body type called Dosha — a combination of Air (Vata), Fire (Dosha) and Earth (Kapha). Inconsistent eating habits, no physical activity, and being exposed to chemicals or germs are harmful to health. Also, disadvantageous is not getting enough sleep and having emotional disturbances causing an imbalance in our body.  We can restore the balance with this holistic practice of Ayurveda.


Let’s learn the right ways of life that will benefit us-

*A Proper and healthy breakfast– We have all heard this phrase many times—”Breakfast is Brainfood”. That’s how important breakfast is. So, skipping breakfast or not having a healthy portion of it can affect your entire working system. Eat breakfast like a king [ the most substantial meal of the day].


*Average Portion during lunch- this meal is lesser in portion size than breakfast. A balanced diet of calories, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals is what forms a balanced diet.


*Light dinner – To improve digestion and the quality of sleep, Ayurveda suggests to have dinner by 8 PM so that the body can digest it before bedtime. Our bodies need Agni [fire] to digest the food. Due to less Agni after sunset, overeating can be a disadvantage. If you eat just enough, your body can concentrate entirely on giving you restorative sleep rather than working extra on your system.


Neti Pot

Neti poti is very vital in preserving health by helping your nose get rid of the toxins, pollution, and allergens. Using the neti pot to flush saline water up each nostril, helps to flush out excess mucus along with impurities, for deeper breathing and relieving the symptoms of allergies and colds.


Eat Fresh, Seasonal and Local

The remarkable principle in Ayurveda is to eat food that is fresh, seasonal, and locally grown. Maintain your internal balance by eating seasonal fruits and vegetables of the best quality possible.

Using spices to heal

Ayurveda considers spices to be a healer as well as a flavor enhancer. Use turmeric to reduce inflammation and protect your heart.  Ginger can aid better digestion and cinnamon can regulate your blood sugar. All other spices should be added to the dishes for an antibacterial effect that can help you fight infection.



Incorporating exercise in the form of yoga is very beneficial for a good quality of life. Our bodies are designed to move, and so if it does not get the exercise it needs, the body starts becoming weak. Give work to your body and avoid being sedentary. 



According to ayurvedic philosophy, there seems to be a link between the health of the mind and body–being inseparable. Disturbances in your mind can start as physical ailments. A regular meditation practice helps maintain the balance necessary for health by reducing stress, having a better sleep, thereby, increasing your sense of well-being.


Oil Pulling

The practice of detoxification, as well as naturally brightening your teeth, can be done in the morning. About 20 minutes of swishing with a natural oil in your mouth (organic coconut or sesame are good choices) and spitting out the white substance is very beneficial. That white substance is bacteria and toxins. Your immune senses will thank you for helping it preserve your health. This ancient ayurvedic system has flourished in modern-day because it still has plenty to offer to the world. 


Connect with our team at ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’, sharing ancient wisdom with modern technology. This institution was established to bring the same genuine treatments that are offered in Kerala. So, come and benefit from our various treatment types. 

Log on to to learn more. 


Addressing Acid Reflux

Addressing Acid Reflux -The Ayurvedic Way

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) or Acidity as its commonly called. It is a chronic digestive disorder where acids in the stomach or, occasionally stomach contents, flow back into the food pipe (oesophagus). A valve called the Lower oesophagal sphincter opens between your throat and stomach to allow food and liquids to enter the stomach. If the lid doesn’t close all the way, or if it opens too often, stomach acid can move up into your oesophagus, causing Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Symptoms of GERD

  • Burning sensation in the chest
  • Sour belching.
  • Nausea
  • Regurgitation of food or sour substance
  • Gaseous distention of abdomen
  • Heaviness in abdomen
  • Indigestion.
  • Aversion towards food.
  • Pain in the stomach.
  • Severe burning sensation over feet and hand
  • Mouth ulcer
  • Fatigue (especially in legs)
  • Tiredness

Preventing ‘GERD’ – the ayurvedic way

 “Prevention is better than cure”- We have all heard this phrase. So, avoid all the causative factors of acid disorder. 

  • Avoid excessive salty, oily, sour and spicy foods
  • Avoid cumbersome and untimely food
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol intake
  • Include barley, wheat, old rice and green gram in the diet.
  • Avoid overcooked, stale and contaminated food.
  • Cook food thoroughly before consuming.
  • Follow relaxation techniques


Medical management

  • Avoid inducive causes
  • Palliative treatment – Since the disease is of Pitta origin, measures are taken to pacify pitta.
  • When oral medications don’t work, ‘Panchakarma procedures’ like Vamana (emesis) or virechana (purgation)is administered. 


Some important roots helpful in Amlapitta

  • Shatavari – 2-3 gm twice a day with milk
  • Yashtimadhu – 3-4 gm twice a day with milk
  • Amalaki (Indian gooseberry) – 2 gm twice a day with water
  • Sunthi (dry ginger) – 1- 3 gm twice a day with water

Do’s (Pathya)

  • Eat on time
  • Light food, Coconut water, food having cooling properties
  • Vegetables like white pumpkin, bitter gourd, matured ash gourd, leafy vegetables except for fenugreek leaves
  • Wheat, old rice, barley, green gram, sugar candy, cucumber,
  • Fruits like gooseberry, dry grapes, black grapes, sweet lime, pomegranate, fig, dry fig,
  • Take adequate amount of fluids like pomegranate juice, lemon juice, amla juice, sweet lime juice,
  • A cup of lukewarm milk every two to three hours.
  • Have one teaspoonful of ghee with warm milk
  • Take adequate sleep & rest
  • Practice Yoga, Pranayam, meditation & exercise regularly


Don’ts (Apathya)

  • Avoid excessively spicy, sour and salty foods
  • Avoid fried and junk foods
  • Do not remain hungry. Avoid fast.
  • Do not overeat, take small frequent meals
  • Avoid untimely and irregular food habits
  • Avoid foods containing an excess amount of garlic, salt, or oil
  • Avoid lying down immediately after eating
  • Avoid, smoking, alcohol, tea, coffee and aspirin type of drugs.
  • Avoid stress

It is not difficult to control GERD, provided the instructions given by the Ayurvedic Vaid [Doctor] are pursued, correctly.

Let’s consult the expert—

Visit ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ to experience the real authentic Ayurvedic treatment.

Authentic Ayurvedic treatment from hip pain treatment to the management of paralysis is available in the heart of Chennai city. An ambience of greenery offers comfort and therapy, crafted with maximum care to promote holistic healing. So, log on to for any further questions.


Managing Obesity

Managing Obesity with the Help of Ayurveda

‘Overweight, if left uncontrolled, can lead to Obesity’.

Known as Sthaulya or Medas (fat) in Ayurveda, obesity is not just a disease in itself but a “signal” for many other major illnesses. Adding extra pounds leads to overweight and obesity. Obesity can lead to diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, cardio disorders, liver disorders, infertility, varicose vein etc. Therefore, controlling body weight is very crucial because, with the passing time, metabolism gets weaker, resulting in a rapid weight gain.

Let’s see how Ancient Ayurveda can help manage overweight and obesity.

Managing Obesity, ayurvedic obesity treatment programs are planned based on the body condition and body type (Vata, pitta, Kapha) of the patient. The patients need a holistic approach to reduce weight. Ayurvedic weight loss treatments facilitate quick results. Along with the Ayurveda weight reduction programs and Panchakarma treatment (five detoxification processes), yoga and meditation also help in the improvement of the overall physical, mental and emotional health of obese patients. Obesity is treated not just for weight loss or loss of centimeters but also for adjusting metabolic processes, by reducing Ama and the excess fat to regulate the function of Kapha without vitiating Vata.

There are many ways to lose excess weight

*Triphala, Brahmi and Garcinia Cambogia are some of the many medicinal plants that help in weight reduction. 

*Deep massage with herbal powder and herbal paste (Udwarthanam), synchronized massage with specific oils (Abhyanga), and herbal steam bath help move the accumulated fat; and designed diet and yoga programs prevent its accumulation, further. 

*Appropriate Panchakarma therapies are administered based on the requirement of the individual.

* Dhanurasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, trikonasana and vakrasana are a few of the asanas or yoga postures for losing extra fat which will be more effective when practiced with pranayama and proper diet. 

*Regular exercise helps in maintaining good health. Practicing brisk walk for about half an hour in the morning helps burn excess fat. 

*Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lime juice and honey everyday first thing in the morning, are added benefits. 

*Eating smaller meals, every three hours is beneficial. Increase the number of fruits and vegetables and include low-calorie foods. 

*Raw vegetable salad such as carrot, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes and, fruits like papaya and pineapple are perfect since they are full of fiber and fill you up soon.  

*Avoid refined foods and fat-rich food including milk products such as paneer, cheese, butter. 

“A Natural way of weight loss is the best way to shed out the excess fat in the body”.

At ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ [MIA], the center for Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai, where age-old tradition meets modern techniques, procedures from Panchakarma to rejuvenation are all offered. This Institute provides facilities for a whole range of ‘quality ayurvedic treatments.’ It has a full-fledged out-patient department with facilities for consultation in different specialties.

So, let’s connect with MIA at for any queries.

Treatment of Digestive Disorders

Treatment of Digestive Disorders with Ancient Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, indigestion is, considered to be the root cause of almost all diseases. So proper management of digestive disorders during initial stages prevents the onset of many other major illnesses in later stages of life. 

Digestive problems are no fun at all, especially- for those who suffer from them frequently. Digestive issues could be due to bacteria in food, infection, stress or chronic conditions such as colitis. 

Let us look at the Ayurvedic– herbs [Remedies] for improving any digestive disorders-

                                  HARTAKI (TERMINALIA CHEBULA

This herb is helpful to treat digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation and indigestion from ancient times. Eating terminalia chebula regularly, reduces constipation. You can take it in the form of powder or candy sugar.

                                 ISABGOLE [ PLANTAGO OVATE]

Isabgole is an excellent remedy for constipation. Besides, it is also useful in reducing cholesterol and regulating bowel movement. So, Let’s try this herb to get the digestive system back on track!!!

                                NISOTH (IPOMOEA TURPETHUM)

Leaves and roots of Nisoth plants are useful as a laxative.  Ipomoea turpethum is quite effective in treating digestive disorders, but it is better to take in moderation. 



                         YATIMADHU (GLYCYZRRHIZA – GLABRA)

Another effective remedy comes with the help of Yatimadhu. The antacid properties of Yatimadhu, help in reducing acidity. It is also useful in reducing ulcers and chest congestion.

                              LAVANGA (SYZYGIUM AROMATICUM – CLOVE)

Although spices can aggravate acidity, one should not stop eating clove. Clove can provide quick relief from acidity, therefore Chew on a clove to cure acidity.

                                GINGER (ZINGIBER -OFFICINALE)

Ginger offers fantastic health benefits that make it a common ingredient for tea in India. It can also be beneficial in keeping the digestive system function properly. Starting the day with ginger tea can give the digestive system a good start.  Ginger is also helpful, in curing flatulence and congestion.

                                ALSAREX, AYUCID, AVIPATRIKAR CHURNA

The combination of the above herbs – help in treating stomach ulcers. A combination of the herbal formula eg, Kutajghan Bati, Kutajarishta and Issabale can be used to treat diarrhea.

With so much said about the herbs to treat digestive disorders, let’s connect with our experts at The Madras Institute of Ayurveda [MIA] – the center of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai, where age-old tradition meets modern techniques. MIA was established to bring the same genuine treatment with all facilities to a more accessible location. The Madras Institute of Ayurveda (MIA) has a full-fledged out-patient department with facilities for consultation in different specialties, regular check-ups, etc. Treatment programs for an entire array of diseases are available here.

So, log on to to get more information on Digestive Disorders. 

respiratory diseases

Respiratory Diseases – Cured with Ayurveda

The increasing air pollution has become a universal concern for Respiratory Diseases. Sadly, the air we breathe, is full of impurities, harmful gases & dust particles making our body more prone to diseases caused by such impurities. Diseases of the lung and airways are some of the most common cause of illness in developed countries.

Respiratory problems can be as minuscule as the common cold or as serious as pneumonia. They may affect the upper respiratory system (nose, mouth, throat, sinuses) or the lower bronchial tubes and lungs. Ayurvedic herbs, help to overcome these problems.

Treatment with Ayurveda–

Special herbs & Panchakarma therapies are very beneficial in rejuvenating the body.

Ayurvedic herbs for strengthening the lungs —-are available all around us. One just needs to be aware of what to use, and when.

Bala, which translates into “strength,” is the ayurvedic term for the western concept of immunity. There are two major factors that affect bala–they are Ama and Ojas.

Ama, is the sticky by-product of the food that is left undigested. Ama decreases the efficacy of the body’s immune system. It does this by clogging or blocking the channels that perform the important function of carrying food products to the cells and carrying waste products out of the cells.  Ama also obstructs the finer micro-channels that form an important part of the immune system. All these blocked channels can lead to a cesspool of infection and other particles that affect the body’s functioning. Ojas is a result of perfect digestion, and enhances the body’s immune system, purifies the mind and the consciousness that resides within. Ojas helps maintain good health, and most of the Ayurvedic treatments focus on enhancing Ojas in the body. Ojas is represented by health, happy feelings, elation, feeling of lightness, strong immunity and complete bodily strength. There is a theory in the ancient texts of Ayurveda called the Land and the Seed theory. The body is considered land where the seeds are spread. Now, if the seeds of Ama are spread, then the result of the fruits will always be ill health and misery. On the other hand, if the seeds of Ojas are spread, the body will always have strong immunity and strength from within.

The rejuvenating herbs in the treatment module, help to nourish the channels thereby protecting the lungs to promote easy breathing.

Example of the herbs used in treatment–

Bibhitaki is an exotic fruit. It is the size of a walnut and has an astringent taste to it. The Triphala composition includes this exact herb of Bibhitaki, as Bibhitaki is extremely useful to reduce any symptoms of Kapha disorder. Therefore, Bibhitaki can be used whenever there is any sort of Kapha disorder in any part of the body. Because of the astringent taste, it tends to absorb the micro-water particles present in the Kapha dosha.

Similarly, there are many such herbs that have multi-purpose benefits in healing the body, especially the lungs and other aspects of the respiratory tract. With so many different herbs that are prescribed by the Ayurvedic system of knowledge, an individual can easily harness their power to heal, and bring in loads of relief from respiratory problems, once and for all. After all, everyone has a right to a sigh of relief.

Our respiratory system is a complicated and dense network of channels and systems that carry prana, (the vital life-force), along with oxygen.

So, log on to to learn more about Respiratory treatments with Ayurveda………….


hip pain treatment

Hip Pain Treatment- The Ayurvedic Way

Hip pain is a sign of high Vata dosha according to Ayurveda.  It is a common complaint that can be caused by a wide variety of problems. Hip pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock is usually caused by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that surround your hip joint Hip Pain Treatment.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, or snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it tames vata, allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body.

Understanding Chronic Pain

Ayurveda welcomes and accepts pain, even while trying to relieve it, for Nature intends pain to be a multi-layered message to us. Underlying the immediate directive—stop using that body part lies a request to look into our lives and see what we are doing to create this misery.”

If you tend to ignore your body’s messages until pain overwhelms you, problems get out of control. Certain unconscious habits—holding your breath, chronically tensing your muscles, suppressing your emotions, eating over processed, refined food, ingesting too much caffeine or not enough water—make us more susceptible to pain because they aggravate vata, the dosha that is involved when there is pain. If you can step back and observe which of your activities and habits contribute to the problem, you can start to undo your pain naturally.

All-Natural Pain Remedy—Ayurveda Suggests—–

  1. Systematic relaxation

The next time you’re inclined to pop a pill for your symptoms, spend 10 minutes doing a systematic relaxation in Shavasana (corpse pose) instead. This practice can reduce muscle spasms, relieve tension, and calm the mind naturally.


  1. Massage

In the ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, or Snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it tames Vata, allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body. Once a week would be good.

Ayurvedic physicians can choose ideal combinations for each individual. The therapies like Tailadhara (pouring of medicated oils), Nhavarakkizhi (massage with bolus of rice boiled in medicated milk) and Ksheera vasthi are among the most effective therapies for preventing degeneration and strengthen the joints.

  1. Diet

Food is a powerful healer. Follow a Vata-pacifying diet of warm, moist, mildly spiced, nourishing foods for a month and see if it makes a difference. The sweet, salty, and sour tastes are all Vata pacifying—just make sure you find natural, healthy sources of sweets (like ripe plums, pears, or dates) but don’t overdo it. Overeating aggravates Vata.

  1. Gentle Asana

Pain can discourage us from stretching and moving the way we normally do, restricting your movement will only compound the problem. Toxins accumulate where there is stagnation and congestion in the body, and this causes pain. Contracting and relaxing our muscles with gentle asanas relieves the stagnation by mobilizing blood, lymph, and synovial fluid. Even 15 minutes of stretching every morning or evening will make a world of difference.

  1. Aromatherapy

Studies show that the essential oils of rosemary and thyme increase blood flow to muscles and create warmth, while peppermint and myrtle have temporary painkilling effects.



  1. Herbs

Turmeric and ginger help reduce inflammatory pain, while valerian, kava kava, chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and jatamansi (the “Indian valerian”) help combat tension-related pain. Chronic pain is often a combination of inflammation and tension.

Therefore, Ayurveda’s insightful perspective on chronic pain—combined with natural remedies—can help soothe the symptoms of hip pain.


  • Come let’s learn more on how to conquer this pain at’ Madras Institute of Ayurveda’, Chennai. They have dedicated service by trained physicians and therapists.


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