Treatment in Osteoarthritis

An Ayurvedic Path towards Treatment in ‘Osteoarthritis’ – Ayurveda treatment in Chennai

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a deep-rooted condition of the joints in which the cartilage cushioning the ends of the bones loses its elasticity and wears away. The treatment therapies with current conventional medicine typically focus on pain reduction and control of inflammation; however, these approaches do not affect the natural course of the disease. At Madras Institute of Ayurveda, we provide traditional application of medicine as well use modern techniques of Ayurveda treatment in Chennai

Osteoarthritis—is the most common form of arthritis globally, with symptoms ranging from minor discomfort to debility. It can occur in any body’s joints but most often affects the hands and weight-bearing joints. 

Causes of Osteoarthritis–

While science has no specific reason for the cause of OA, researchers have identified many factors involved in the development of Osteoarthritis. Some of them include inflammation and imbalances that create stress on the joints and cellular disorders too that lead to the abnormal breakdown of cartilage. 

Ayurvedic Treatment–

Ayurveda offers various herbal treatments for Osteoarthritis. The plants have anti-inflammatory properties without side effects. Herbal Ayurvedic therapy is very effective in treating knee osteoarthritis. It provides a “safe and effective treatment alternatives” for OA.

The herbs such as–turmeric, Ashwagandha, ginger, Triphala, Guggulu, and Shatavari, have all been shown to decrease inflammation by interfering with the production of chemicals in the body. 


Ayurvedic herb Boswellia Serrata, also known as “Indian frankincense”, blocks the enzyme–5-lipoxygenase, that plays a significant role in the formation of chemicals– which stimulate and perpetuate inflammation. People with Osteoarthritis who take Boswellia along with Ashwagandha, turmeric, and zinc report to have relief from joint pain and increased mobility and strength in the joints.


Turmeric is a spice that is commonly used in Asian cooking. It is also used orally in traditional Ayurvedic medicine to treat a wide range of ailments, many of which are related to inflammation. The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is shown to inhibit vital inflammation-producing enzymes. thus, disrupting the inflammatory cascade. 


Another Ayurvedic herb, Ashwagandha, has known anti-inflammatory effects. The extract of this herb is found to suppress the production of pro-inflammatory molecules. 


The anti-inflammatory effects of ginger are by large, talked off. Ginger works as an anti-inflammatory agent by interfering with an enzyme that produces chemicals in the body. Ginger has a mild to moderate beneficial effect on OA of the knee. 


Triphala has been used in India for ages–for the treatment of Osteoarthritis. Triphala consists of three herbs (Amalaki, Haritaki, and Bibhitaki). The herbs in Triphala show anti-inflammatory effects.


The herb Guggulu has been shown to regulate the body’s inflammatory response. Several studies show decreased inflammation and joint swelling after administration of extracts of Guggulu resin.


Shatavari is an Ayurvedic herb that is considered to have a soothing, cooling, and lubricating effect on the body. It has an inhibitory effect on the chemicals that actually create inflammation in the body.


The Benefits of Meditation–

An important principle in Ayurveda is the acknowledgement of the importance of the emotional and spiritual aspects of health and healing. Health is achieved by balancing the body, mind and spirit. Meditation provides a way to achieve the above balance. Mind-Body Practices–such as meditation have value as part of a treatment regimen for chronic pain caused due to various conditions. 

Madras Institute of Ayurveda [ MIA] is the centre of Ayurveda treatment in Chennai , where ancient tradition meets modern techniques, ranging from Panchakarma treatment to Rejuvenation treatment. With facilities for a whole range of quality ayurvedic treatments on par with the highest standards and most beautiful traditions dating back to Vedic times, Care begins with an accurate diagnosis, based on which the experts create a customised treatment plan for the disease and not just the symptoms. 
Connect with MIA at to learn more.

Traditional Ayurveda Treatment

The Trusted Solution to Manage Common Orthopedic Conditions
Orthopedic conditions are exponentially on the rise among Indians. Over the last 25 years of my experience in treating innumerable patients in Chennai using traditional Ayurveda treatment practices that I’ve learnt from Kerala, I have noticed a startling increase in the percentage of patients coming to me with orthopedic problems. Change in lifestyle, means of living, and food intake are definitely the primary reasons for this surge in orthopedic conditions.

So, let’s take a look at the reasons behind the origin of most of these conditions from the trustworthy perspective of Ayurveda.

The core of a healthy mind and body in Ayurveda is about maintaining a perfect balance between Vatha, Pitta, and Kapha. Any disharmony or vitiation of the three doshas leads to many orthopedic conditions.

Vatha vitiation, for example, catalyses osteoporosis or weak bones, Pitta vitiation exposes the bones to inflammations and infections, and Kapha vitiation leads to dense bones and supportive tissues. Hence different combinations of the three doshas lead to multiple orthopedic conditions – from rheumatoid arthritis to tendency for fracture.

Let’s quickly review some common orthopedic conditions and determine how Ayurveda treatment provides complete relief and resolution for each condition.

Traditional Ayurveda Treatment in chennai
Traditional Ayurveda Orthopedic Treatment

Osteoarthritis (SandhigataVata)
Osteoarthritis is characterized by severe joint pain caused when the cartilage protecting the bones of the joints wears away. A common condition that starts from middle age, osteoarthritis also causes inflammation of the joints, swelling, stiffness, and locking of joints. It commonly affects the knee, hands, hips, and the spine. Osteoarthritis can be cured through a combination of lifestyle changes, fomentation, herbal medication, oleation, and dietary control can help control the condition.

Rheumatoid arthritis (Vatarakta)
Rheumatoid arthritis also affects the joints; however, it is caused by an autoimmune disorder. This condition can affect any joint in the body and the eyes, heart, and lungs, and the entire body through the blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis is a progressively limiting disorder affecting an individual’s ability to carry out regular activities. Ayurvedic treatment focuses on correcting the metabolic balance of the body to manage the condition through biological purification or Shodhana, fasting, stringent diet plans, digestive medicines, and shamanachikitsa (pacifying treatments). A disciplined lifestyle also supports in bringing back the body to health.

Osteoporosis is a predominantly vataroga, where the bones are so brittle that they can fracture or deform easily. Ayurveda focuses more on prevention of this condition by balancing the cold characteristics of vata with the warm profile of kapha. Dietary control, herbal medications,yoga, and lifestyle discipline are critical in preventing osteoporosis through Ayurveda treatment.

Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow is a vataroga – a form of inflammation of the tendons near the elbow, caused by excess stretching or movements of the arm muscles around the elbow region. The condition is common in people with excessive physical activities, but also in today’s age of excessive arms-related work (e.g., typing and writing) and in case of excessive physical labor requiring movement of the arms.
Ayurvedic treatment focuses on pain relief since resting the arm usually corrects the condition. Rejuvenation, oleation, and swedana therapies help provide immense relief. Kizhis and medicated oil baths are also helpful in addition to some pain-relieving herbal medication. Dietary control and lifestyle corrections help prevent recurrence.

The list of orthopedic conditions that require attention is much longer but these examples prove the holistic approach of Ayurveda in correcting, eliminating, and overcoming these conditions. Ayurveda’s treatment approach symbiotically combines medication, food (aahar), lifestyle changes (vihar), exercise, and physical therapy of varying complexities to bring back a body’s balance.

This approach is closer to the body’s natural properties and provides a harmless, side effect–free solution to most orthopedic conditions.
In the coming blog posts, I will be reviewing each orthopedic condition in detail and providing a healthy Ayurveda treatment and solution to each condition. Watch this space for a holistic approach to living.