Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis

Ayurvedic Regimen for Rheumatoid Arthritis [Amavata]

“Rheumatoid Arthritis” is a chronic- disabling and progressive autoimmune disease that causes inflammation (swelling). There is severe pain in the joints, the tissue around the joints, joint deformities. Rheumatoid Arthritis has is called Amavata in Ayurveda, in which Vata and Ama afflict pain in the lining of the joints, which causes Shula (pain) & Shotha (swelling).


Treating Amavata –The Ayurvedic Way—

The treatment for ‘Amavata’ includes Shamana (conservative) and Shodhana (biological purification of the body) Chikitsa. Depending on the stages (acute/chronic) and the Doshas involved, many measures are advised. They are Langhana (a method of depletion of body tissues), Deepana (increase digestive fire), and Pachana (digestion of food) for accumulated Ama [ undigested material]. Snehapana (oleation), Swedana (therapy that uses herbal steam), Virechana (purgation) and Basti (enema therapy) for use in the elimination of Doshas from the body.

The medicines used in the management of Amavata should be Katu (pungent) Tikta (bitter) Rasa (taste); Ushna (hot in potency), Laghu (easily digestible) and Tikshna (property of penetrating through tissues).


*To-Do Ahara: [FOOD]


The critical ‘Pathya Ahara’ (strict diet) to be followed, includes-

Cereals: Dhanya –Purana/Shasti Shali (rice), and Yava (Barley).

Pulses: Chanaka (Bengalgram), Kalaya (Pisumsativum), Kulattha (horse gram), Kodrava.

Shaka (vegetables): Shigru (drumstick), Ardraka (ginger), Rasona (garlic), Karavellaka (bitter guard), Patola (pointed guard), Vastuka (ridged guard), Mulaka (radish)

Liquids: Boiled water, Panchakola Siddha Jala [herbal water]

Cow products: Takra (buttermilk).


 Not to Do—Apathya / Contraindicated foods


Food – Guru Ahara (heavy to digest), Dadhi (curd), fish, raw sugar, Masha (black gram), Kalushita Jala (contaminated water).


Vihara: Specific Pattern

 Divaswapna (Day sleeping), Ratri Jagarana (night awakening), Ajirnashana (eating without the feel of appetite), overeating, Vishamashana (eating at odd timings), physical exertion just after eating, exposure to cold, sedentary lifestyle etc. must be avoided.


Abhyanga–External oil application using

Visha Garbha Taila 

Pancha Guna Taila

Kottamchukadi Taila

Brihat Saindhavadi Taila

Karpooradi Taila, can be beneficial in arthritic pain.


Meet our Ayurvedic Vaidya at ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ Chennai [MIA], to learn more about how these treatments can be beneficial. This centre of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai follows age-old traditional regimen with modern techniques, ranging from Panchakarma treatment to Rejuvenation therapy. It includes facilities for a whole range of quality treatments with the highest standards and finest traditions dating back to Vedic times. So, come to MIA, Chennai and get a full range of treatment options or log on to www.miayurveda.org for queries.

Managing Obesity

Managing Obesity with the Help of Ayurveda

‘Overweight, if left uncontrolled, can lead to Obesity’.

Known as Sthaulya or Medas (fat) in Ayurveda, obesity is not just a disease in itself but a “signal” for many other major illnesses. Adding extra pounds leads to overweight and obesity. Obesity can lead to diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, cardio disorders, liver disorders, infertility, varicose vein etc. Therefore, controlling body weight is very crucial because, with the passing time, metabolism gets weaker, resulting in a rapid weight gain.

Let’s see how Ancient Ayurveda can help manage overweight and obesity.

Managing Obesity, ayurvedic obesity treatment programs are planned based on the body condition and body type (Vata, pitta, Kapha) of the patient. The patients need a holistic approach to reduce weight. Ayurvedic weight loss treatments facilitate quick results. Along with the Ayurveda weight reduction programs and Panchakarma treatment (five detoxification processes), yoga and meditation also help in the improvement of the overall physical, mental and emotional health of obese patients. Obesity is treated not just for weight loss or loss of centimeters but also for adjusting metabolic processes, by reducing Ama and the excess fat to regulate the function of Kapha without vitiating Vata.

There are many ways to lose excess weight

*Triphala, Brahmi and Garcinia Cambogia are some of the many medicinal plants that help in weight reduction. 

*Deep massage with herbal powder and herbal paste (Udwarthanam), synchronized massage with specific oils (Abhyanga), and herbal steam bath help move the accumulated fat; and designed diet and yoga programs prevent its accumulation, further. 

*Appropriate Panchakarma therapies are administered based on the requirement of the individual.

* Dhanurasana, bhujangasana, shalabasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, trikonasana and vakrasana are a few of the asanas or yoga postures for losing extra fat which will be more effective when practiced with pranayama and proper diet. 

*Regular exercise helps in maintaining good health. Practicing brisk walk for about half an hour in the morning helps burn excess fat. 

*Drinking a glass of lukewarm water with lime juice and honey everyday first thing in the morning, are added benefits. 

*Eating smaller meals, every three hours is beneficial. Increase the number of fruits and vegetables and include low-calorie foods. 

*Raw vegetable salad such as carrot, cucumber, cabbage, tomatoes and, fruits like papaya and pineapple are perfect since they are full of fiber and fill you up soon.  

*Avoid refined foods and fat-rich food including milk products such as paneer, cheese, butter. 

“A Natural way of weight loss is the best way to shed out the excess fat in the body”.

At ‘The Madras Institute of Ayurveda’ [MIA], the center for Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai, where age-old tradition meets modern techniques, procedures from Panchakarma to rejuvenation are all offered. This Institute provides facilities for a whole range of ‘quality ayurvedic treatments.’ It has a full-fledged out-patient department with facilities for consultation in different specialties.

So, let’s connect with MIA at www.miayurveda.org for any queries.

Treatment of Digestive Disorders

Treatment of Digestive Disorders with Ancient Ayurveda

According to Ayurveda, indigestion is, considered to be the root cause of almost all diseases. So proper management of digestive disorders during initial stages prevents the onset of many other major illnesses in later stages of life. 

Digestive problems are no fun at all, especially- for those who suffer from them frequently. Digestive issues could be due to bacteria in food, infection, stress or chronic conditions such as colitis. 

Let us look at the Ayurvedic– herbs [Remedies] for improving any digestive disorders-

                                  HARTAKI (TERMINALIA CHEBULA

This herb is helpful to treat digestive disorders such as diarrhea, constipation and indigestion from ancient times. Eating terminalia chebula regularly, reduces constipation. You can take it in the form of powder or candy sugar.

                                 ISABGOLE [ PLANTAGO OVATE]

Isabgole is an excellent remedy for constipation. Besides, it is also useful in reducing cholesterol and regulating bowel movement. So, Let’s try this herb to get the digestive system back on track!!!

                                NISOTH (IPOMOEA TURPETHUM)

Leaves and roots of Nisoth plants are useful as a laxative.  Ipomoea turpethum is quite effective in treating digestive disorders, but it is better to take in moderation. 



                         YATIMADHU (GLYCYZRRHIZA – GLABRA)

Another effective remedy comes with the help of Yatimadhu. The antacid properties of Yatimadhu, help in reducing acidity. It is also useful in reducing ulcers and chest congestion.

                              LAVANGA (SYZYGIUM AROMATICUM – CLOVE)

Although spices can aggravate acidity, one should not stop eating clove. Clove can provide quick relief from acidity, therefore Chew on a clove to cure acidity.

                                GINGER (ZINGIBER -OFFICINALE)

Ginger offers fantastic health benefits that make it a common ingredient for tea in India. It can also be beneficial in keeping the digestive system function properly. Starting the day with ginger tea can give the digestive system a good start.  Ginger is also helpful, in curing flatulence and congestion.

                                ALSAREX, AYUCID, AVIPATRIKAR CHURNA

The combination of the above herbs – help in treating stomach ulcers. A combination of the herbal formula eg, Kutajghan Bati, Kutajarishta and Issabale can be used to treat diarrhea.

With so much said about the herbs to treat digestive disorders, let’s connect with our experts at The Madras Institute of Ayurveda [MIA] – the center of Ayurvedic medicine and treatment in Chennai, where age-old tradition meets modern techniques. MIA was established to bring the same genuine treatment with all facilities to a more accessible location. The Madras Institute of Ayurveda (MIA) has a full-fledged out-patient department with facilities for consultation in different specialties, regular check-ups, etc. Treatment programs for an entire array of diseases are available here.

So, log on to www.miayurveda.org to get more information on Digestive Disorders. 

respiratory diseases

Respiratory Diseases – Cured with Ayurveda

The increasing air pollution has become a universal concern for Respiratory Diseases. Sadly, the air we breathe, is full of impurities, harmful gases & dust particles making our body more prone to diseases caused by such impurities. Diseases of the lung and airways are some of the most common cause of illness in developed countries.

Respiratory problems can be as minuscule as the common cold or as serious as pneumonia. They may affect the upper respiratory system (nose, mouth, throat, sinuses) or the lower bronchial tubes and lungs. Ayurvedic herbs, help to overcome these problems.

Treatment with Ayurveda–

Special herbs & Panchakarma therapies are very beneficial in rejuvenating the body.

Ayurvedic herbs for strengthening the lungs —-are available all around us. One just needs to be aware of what to use, and when.

Bala, which translates into “strength,” is the ayurvedic term for the western concept of immunity. There are two major factors that affect bala–they are Ama and Ojas.

Ama, is the sticky by-product of the food that is left undigested. Ama decreases the efficacy of the body’s immune system. It does this by clogging or blocking the channels that perform the important function of carrying food products to the cells and carrying waste products out of the cells.  Ama also obstructs the finer micro-channels that form an important part of the immune system. All these blocked channels can lead to a cesspool of infection and other particles that affect the body’s functioning. Ojas is a result of perfect digestion, and enhances the body’s immune system, purifies the mind and the consciousness that resides within. Ojas helps maintain good health, and most of the Ayurvedic treatments focus on enhancing Ojas in the body. Ojas is represented by health, happy feelings, elation, feeling of lightness, strong immunity and complete bodily strength. There is a theory in the ancient texts of Ayurveda called the Land and the Seed theory. The body is considered land where the seeds are spread. Now, if the seeds of Ama are spread, then the result of the fruits will always be ill health and misery. On the other hand, if the seeds of Ojas are spread, the body will always have strong immunity and strength from within.

The rejuvenating herbs in the treatment module, help to nourish the channels thereby protecting the lungs to promote easy breathing.

Example of the herbs used in treatment–

Bibhitaki is an exotic fruit. It is the size of a walnut and has an astringent taste to it. The Triphala composition includes this exact herb of Bibhitaki, as Bibhitaki is extremely useful to reduce any symptoms of Kapha disorder. Therefore, Bibhitaki can be used whenever there is any sort of Kapha disorder in any part of the body. Because of the astringent taste, it tends to absorb the micro-water particles present in the Kapha dosha.

Similarly, there are many such herbs that have multi-purpose benefits in healing the body, especially the lungs and other aspects of the respiratory tract. With so many different herbs that are prescribed by the Ayurvedic system of knowledge, an individual can easily harness their power to heal, and bring in loads of relief from respiratory problems, once and for all. After all, everyone has a right to a sigh of relief.

Our respiratory system is a complicated and dense network of channels and systems that carry prana, (the vital life-force), along with oxygen.

So, log on to wwwmiayurveda.org to learn more about Respiratory treatments with Ayurveda………….


hip pain treatment

Hip Pain Treatment- The Ayurvedic Way

Hip pain is a sign of high Vata dosha according to Ayurveda.  It is a common complaint that can be caused by a wide variety of problems. Hip pain on the outside of your hip, upper thigh or outer buttock is usually caused by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues that surround your hip joint Hip Pain Treatment.

In the Ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, or snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it tames vata, allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body.

Understanding Chronic Pain

Ayurveda welcomes and accepts pain, even while trying to relieve it, for Nature intends pain to be a multi-layered message to us. Underlying the immediate directive—stop using that body part lies a request to look into our lives and see what we are doing to create this misery.”

If you tend to ignore your body’s messages until pain overwhelms you, problems get out of control. Certain unconscious habits—holding your breath, chronically tensing your muscles, suppressing your emotions, eating over processed, refined food, ingesting too much caffeine or not enough water—make us more susceptible to pain because they aggravate vata, the dosha that is involved when there is pain. If you can step back and observe which of your activities and habits contribute to the problem, you can start to undo your pain naturally.

All-Natural Pain Remedy—Ayurveda Suggests—–

  1. Systematic relaxation

The next time you’re inclined to pop a pill for your symptoms, spend 10 minutes doing a systematic relaxation in Shavasana (corpse pose) instead. This practice can reduce muscle spasms, relieve tension, and calm the mind naturally.


  1. Massage

In the ayurvedic tradition, regular oil massage, or Snehana, is revered as a highly effective form of therapy for all sorts of ailments. Massage helps reduce pain because it tames Vata, allays joint and muscle stiffness, increases circulation, mobilizes toxins, and relaxes the body. Once a week would be good.

Ayurvedic physicians can choose ideal combinations for each individual. The therapies like Tailadhara (pouring of medicated oils), Nhavarakkizhi (massage with bolus of rice boiled in medicated milk) and Ksheera vasthi are among the most effective therapies for preventing degeneration and strengthen the joints.

  1. Diet

Food is a powerful healer. Follow a Vata-pacifying diet of warm, moist, mildly spiced, nourishing foods for a month and see if it makes a difference. The sweet, salty, and sour tastes are all Vata pacifying—just make sure you find natural, healthy sources of sweets (like ripe plums, pears, or dates) but don’t overdo it. Overeating aggravates Vata.

  1. Gentle Asana

Pain can discourage us from stretching and moving the way we normally do, restricting your movement will only compound the problem. Toxins accumulate where there is stagnation and congestion in the body, and this causes pain. Contracting and relaxing our muscles with gentle asanas relieves the stagnation by mobilizing blood, lymph, and synovial fluid. Even 15 minutes of stretching every morning or evening will make a world of difference.

  1. Aromatherapy

Studies show that the essential oils of rosemary and thyme increase blood flow to muscles and create warmth, while peppermint and myrtle have temporary painkilling effects.



  1. Herbs

Turmeric and ginger help reduce inflammatory pain, while valerian, kava kava, chamomile, skullcap, passionflower, hops, and jatamansi (the “Indian valerian”) help combat tension-related pain. Chronic pain is often a combination of inflammation and tension.

Therefore, Ayurveda’s insightful perspective on chronic pain—combined with natural remedies—can help soothe the symptoms of hip pain.


  • Come let’s learn more on how to conquer this pain at’ Madras Institute of Ayurveda’, Chennai. They have dedicated service by trained physicians and therapists.


So, connect with the expert at www.miayurveda.org for an Authentic Kerala Ayurvedic treatment.

rejuvenation therapy

Rejuvenation Therapy with Ayurveda

In the Ayurvedic texts, rejuvenation has been termed as ‘Rasayana’. The definition of Rasayana in Ayurveda is described as: “That which destroys the old age and disease”. The Rasayana or rejuvenation therapy aims at keeping the enzymes in the tissue cells in their normal functioning condition. These cells are revitalized with this therapy. The tranquility of the mind is promoted and the nerves as well as bones are kept soft and soothing. This prevents the process of ageing and makes the individual free from any disease even during an advanced age.

Rejuvenation Therapy (Rasayana Chikitsa) in Ayurveda, aids in toning up the skin and strengthening body tissues, so- as- to, facilitate longevity. The overall resistance of the body increases as well, due to the optimization of the ‘Ojas’ (primary vitality) and the ‘Sattva’ (mental clarity). The therapy also includes body and face massages using special herbal oils and creams that are tailor made as per the needs of the patient. Other treatment methods include special medicines as per the constitution of the patient along with medicinal steam baths.

* Immunization and Longevity Treatment (Kayakalpa Chikitsa)
This method is used to stifle the ageing process and stop the degeneration of body cells. It is known to help the body’s immune system as well. It is said to be most effective before the age of 50 and includes the Rasayana (special Ayurvedic medicine and diet).

*Body Sudation (Sweda Karma)
Special steam baths help in improving the skin tone and aid in weight loss as well. This is highly recommended for rheumatic diseases and are known to give relief from pain. Herbs are steamed and passed over the human body for up to 20 minutes A special hand massage with herbal oils helps with muscle toning and blood circulation.

*Maintaining Body Weight
To maintain the correct body weight, herbal oils and powders are prescribed. The treatment also includes special herbal juices that help with improving the overall condition of the body.
*Skin Care
Herbal face packs, herbal oil massages and the intake of herbal tea,  help with improving the skin and rejuvenating it.
*Mental and Physical Wellbeing (Meditation and Yoga)
These treatments are designed to achieve mental tranquility and improve one’s concentration beyond the physical being. One aims at attaining peace through the 8 steps of training, which are:

1)Disciplined behavior (Yama)
2)Self-Purification (Niyama)
3) Bodily postures (Asana)
4)Control of breathing (Pranayama)
5)Control of the senses (Pratyahara)
6)Fixing of the mind on a chosen object (Dharana)
7)Meditation (Dhyana)
8) State of absolute tranquility and wellbeing (Samadhi)

At Madras Institute of Ayurveda, Chennai, this rejuvenation therapy is performed elaborately. The core of the rejuvenation treatment involves a lifelong change in your lifestyle to restore your body’s health.

So, log on to www.miayurveda.org for any questions you may have.

Ayurveda Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis – Ayurveda hospital, Chennai

Rheumatoid arthritis or Vatarakta is one of the common health complaints. Mny of my patients in my Ayurveda hospital, Chennai come to me with. Vatarakta is a tough battle to win mainly because it is an autoimmune disorder, where your own body turns against its joints.

Yes, that’s true! Vatarakta can be a debilitating condition that affects all aspects of the joints – from the synovial fluid and cartilage to the ligaments and bones. The result of this condition is severe pain, swelling, and stiffness of the affected joints. With such complications associated with Vatarakta, can Ayurveda really help? Of course, we can!

Let me explain how your Ayurveda doctor can help you overcome the complications of rheumatoid arthritis.

Symptoms of Vatarakta

In addition to painful joints, Vatarakta causes body pain, a feeling of illness, fever, loss of appetite, swelling because of inflammation in the joint areas, and indigestion. Patients commonly wake up to painful morning stiffness around the joints. One characteristic feature of Vatarakta is the symmetric nature of swelling – in many instances, the same joint on both sides are affected simultaneously.

What causes Vatarakta?

Surprisingly the actual cause of this autoimmune disorder is still a bit of a mystery. Yes, there is a genetic aspect associated with Vatarakta. For some of us, our body considers its own tissues as invaders and prepares for an attack. In such individuals, when there are certain triggers, such as exposure to pollution or cosmetics, obesity, or smoking, the body immediately starts its attack, focusing on the joints. The body releases antibodies called rheumatoid factor into the blood, which often helps in the diagnosis of this condition. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women, especially starting from the age of 40.

Ayurveda also associates this condition with the release of toxins in the body because of metabolic imbalance. These toxins target the joints, causing inflammation. The metabolic imbalance is triggered by unhealthy lifestyles including poor eating habits, improper sleep timings, sedentary lifestyle, excessive wear and tear of the joints, and stress.

Hence, the primary focus of Ayurveda treatment is to reverse these toxic effects to restore a healthy balance.

Ayurvedic treatment of Vatarakta, Ayurveda hospital, Chennai

Ayurveda focuses on a holistic approach rather than just pain and symptom management. The complete approach of Ayurveda treatments includes the following example treatments.

1. Removal of toxins through Panchakarma is recommended

2. Correcting the metabolic balance

4. Rasayana or internal medications that improve the health of the joints and body immunity

5. Medications or aushadhas that control the pain and inflammation to improve the quality of life

6. Strict dietary regimens or pathyas, as well as fasting, to prevent recurrence through diets rich in grains, legumes, buttermilk, castor oil, green and leafy vegetables, and flavnoids, as well as complete avoidance of food that are oily and slow down the metabolic rate

7. Complete adoption of a healthy lifestyle through vihara chikitsa to avoid the triggers that cause the condition

9. Physical therapy is minimal

10. General guidance for avoiding recurrence would be to reduce body weight so there is no stress on the joints, practice good posture that do not harm the joints, sleep on firm mattresses, and exercises that do not apply undue pressure on the joints

Rheumatoid arthritis is indeed a tough condition to manage, but with traditional Ayurvedic treatments and well-trained Ayurveda doctors, you can definitely lead a healthy life despite the possibilities of this condition.Visit our ayurveda hospital, Chennai to know more about this and required treatment details.


Kerala Specialty Ayurvedic Treatment

Before doing Purificatory Treatments, the body is subjected to internal and external oleation – called Snehana and Swedana – a dual effect to make the body perspire. The time period for this depends on the chronicity of the ailment. There are some specialized and unique treatment methods for the same called Kerala Specialty Ayurvedic Treatments. These highly effective curative treatments include the following procedures: Continue reading “Kerala Specialty Ayurvedic Treatment”

Panchakarma Treatment

The process of purifying the whole body is called as Panchakarma and is applicable to both the diseased and the healthy alike why not try these out. It is a five-fold therapy ( Vamanam, Virechanam, Vasthi, Nasyam and Rakthamoksham) that is highly personalized based on the individual’s body type (Prakrithi) and Imbalance of Doshas (Vikruthi). It involves a series of intensive treatment procedures, which facilitate deep cleansing and nourishment of body tissues. Achieved by repeated applications of oil and heat therapy, the aim of this treatment is to loosen and liquefy the Doshas, which will move to the alimentary canal from the peripheries and be eliminated. Usually only parts of the therapies are required for individuals. Continue reading “Panchakarma Treatment”